FULL Exploring Israel Course
Growing Your Faith by Bringing the Bible into Vibrant Color.
Do not waste your trip to the Holy Land or your time after you return! Exploring Israel Course gives you wonderful resources to equip and prepare you for a tour of a lifetime as we walk where David, Solomon, Elijah, Moses, Jesus, His disciples and so many others lived. Dr. Jeff Baxter has done the hard work for you in summarizing over 30 places in 4+ hours of video with downloadable documents for the Bible to go from black and white to color!
Are you ready?
Only a one time price of $59 (a $150+ value)
*See FREE Sample Class First.
*For FAQs and Refund Policy See Top Banner.
A Message From Dr. Jeff Baxter (Video)
Why Go To Israel? (Video)
History of Israel (Part 1) (Video)
History of Israel (Part 2) (Video)
Map of Israel (Video)
Christians, Muslims and Jews in Israel (Video)
Is it Safe to Go to Israel? (Video)
Packing and More for Israel (Part 1) (Video)
Packing and More for Israel (Part 2) (Video)
Before You Go Tips and Tactics (PDF)
Biblical Verses for Locations (PDF)
Caesarea Maritima (Video)
Jezreel Valley (Video)
Meggido (Video)
Mount Carmel (Video)
Nazareth (Video)
Sea of Galilee (Video)
Caesarea Philippi (Video)
Tel Dan (Video)
Capernaum (Video)
Bethsaida (Video)
Chorizim (Video)
Mount Arbel (Video)
Beit She'an (Video)
Bethlehem (Video)
Herodium (Video)
Mount of Olives (Video)
Triumphal Entry (Video)
House of Caiaphas (Video)
Paratorium (Video)
Golgotha and The Garden Tomb (Video)
Southern Steps of the Temple (Video)
Gates of Jerusalem (Video)
Dead Sea (Video)
Masada (Video)
En Gedi (Video)